May 2016

MV Bill
May 31, 2016
By walkie-talkie Bolha passed the order along to his managers: “Look alive there! It’s one bundle for Sergeant Gonçalves’s squad, two for...
Hollie Davis
May 31, 2016
A critic recently suggested to Hollie Davis that if she continues to just make art “about black people,” she will “end up in the February...
Melissa Smyth
May 18, 2016
Most maps made of the Horn of Africa today do not represent Somaliland on its northern limb, reflecting the subjectivity of a world that...
Sabrina Toppa
May 17, 2016
On August 29, 2012, in Yemen’s eastern Hadhramaut province, a U.S. drone struck the village of Khashamir. The strike allegedly killed...
Max Ajl
May 15, 2016
You have definitely heard this phrase or a close cousin: “We cannot say if any given weather event is the result of climate change. We can...
Sverker Finnström
May 12, 2016
With the help of Erin Baines’s careful and knowledgeable editing and pertinent contextualization, Evelyn Amony has written a remarkable...
Michael Busch
May 6, 2016
In late 2013, South Sudan erupted into civil war. The fledgling government, which had taken power just two years earlier during the formal...
Gordon Adams
May 5, 2016
LA POÉSIE DE LA GUERRE Prologue Is war the ultimate test of manhood? Or is fighting just one hell of a hoot? Or is it both, and neither,...
Hassan Ghedi Santur
May 5, 2016
It’s a cold, drizzly day in what has come to be known to the world as the “Calais Jungle”. I’ve spent much of the morning walking around...