May 15, 2018
At a cemetery in Beirut, soldiers from the French colonial army--including the Senegalese triailleurs-- lay buried. Little is known of the...
May 9, 2015
PEN World Voices Festival’s most popular event, the "Translation Slam" took place at the historic Nuyorican Poets Café on May 8th and was...
September 26, 2014
Foreword Ken Bugul, Wolof for “one who is unwanted,” is the penname of Mariètou Mbaye Biléoma. Born in 1947 in Ndoucoumane, Senegal, Bugul...
April 4, 2014
In his new book Trash: African Cinema from Below , Kenneth W. Harrow examines trash as a notion that allows him to assume a valuable...
July 2, 2013
July 2, 2013: Paramilitary troops from Senegal’s rapid intervention force surprised exiled former Chadian dictator Hissène Habré in his...
October 17, 2012
Senegal’s most celebrated writer, Boubacar Boris Diop and award-winning Rwandan writer, Scholastique Mukasonga agreed to meet online for an...