topic: Lebanon
October 21, 2014
Violence is a key ingredient of human storytelling: from our first oral tales, violent acts have heightened audience attention and...
April 1, 2014
My interest in the intersection between art and war developed out of a personal experience, which continued to shape and inform my academic...
February 16, 2014
Nine years ago this past Friday, former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and twenty-two others were killed in a massive explosion on...
January 11, 2014
As Lebanon accrues more carnage to its violent CV—most recently with the deadly bombings in downtown Beirut and the southern suburb of...
September 3, 2013
Few cosmopolitan amblers will deny the desire to magically pass through one of the innumerable doorways that interrupt the smooth facade of...
April 6, 2013
Editor's note : Earlier this year, Michael Goldfarb, media relations manager for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)-USA...
March 6, 2013
Always Coca-Cola , the debut novel by Lebanese writer Alexandra Chreiteh, centers around three friends, Abeer and Yasmine, university...
July 24, 2012
It is difficult to categorize Lamia Ziadé’s graphic novel, Bye Bye Babylon , about growing up during the civil war in Lebanon, as such. It...
March 19, 2012
Obsessed, bewildered By the shipwreck Of the singular We have chosen the meaning Of being numerous. - George Oppen, 1908-1984 Prologue The...
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