July 29, 2021
These flash fiction pieces were created in the course "Writing African Futures," taught by Kerry Bystrom (Bard College Berlin) and Aedan...
May 27, 2020
I miss the night. I long for its nocturnal freedom. The cover of the twinkle and sparkle of the stellar blanket. Before you think that I...
April 19, 2020
I know, I know, It threatens the common gestures of human bonding The handshake, The hug The shoulders we give each other to cry on The...
April 2, 2020
I got my copy of Makena Maganjo’s South B's Finest a few days prior to Kenya's first Covid-19 case. Reading it now, a few days into this...
March 10, 2020
Warscapes magazine launched their literary salons titled "Nairobi: Maps of Exile" in November 2019. These salons are an attempt to reframe...
April 7, 2019
I like shrinks, she said, chuckling, her face twitching. She should know. For over two years now, she has been in the care of an alienist...
August 15, 2018
Radha D’Souza is an organizer, academic and writer. After practicing law in India, she taught in New Zealand and currently teaches public...
December 6, 2015
“Groped in a train between Bandra and Dadar. First class compartment.” - Mumbai “I was going to Shahdara metro station. On the way a man...
October 26, 2015
Early this year I returned to northern Uganda during the dry season and was reminded of the pervasive nature of dust, the way it defines...